Hong Kong warns air fryers can still pose the same health risks as traditional cooking methods

Hongkongers should be wary of marketing hype touting the health benefits of air fryers, the Consumer Council warned on Wednesday, noting that potentially cancer-causing compounds could still be created from preparing food with such products.

Man has part of finger amputated after being pricked while cleaning prawns, infected by flesh-eating bacteria

A man had to have part of his right index finger amputated after it was infected by flesh-eating bacteria.

Quoting from a Facebook post by the victim’s friend, Chinese-language newspaper Lianhe Wanbao reported yesterday that the man’s finger was pricked while he was cleaning prawns he had bought from a wet market.

Razer’s giving out surgical masks via vending machines, but you gotta sign up for Razer Pay first

Razer’s streak of goodwill continues. The gaming hardware company ⁠— known for slapping blinking multi-coloured lights on everything ⁠— has been making good on its promise to manufacture face masks in Singapore and donate millions of them worldwide amid the coronavirus pandemic.